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1.What are your 3 greatest accomplishments and why?

  • Graduating college

  • Starting my YouTube Channel

  • Applying for Graduate School

Why? Simply because I NEVER thought it would happen...

2.What are 2 passions you have?

  • Inspiring others just like me

  • The “Arts” i.e. creating, photography, music, and painting


3.If you had to pick a “spirit animal,” what would it be?

A gazelle, hands down, no question asked.


4.What makes you smile without fail?

Listening to a certain song and getting nostalgia from it. Taking me back to a time where I thought everything was perfect.

5.What was your weirdest interest or hobby as a kid?

My weirdest hobby as a kid was getting the Sunday paper and reading the obituary

section. No lie, it happened every Sunday.


6.Do you have any irrational fears and if so, what are they?

K…I’m afraid of balloons, clowns, small creatures like spiders and bugs, and mascots lol don’t ask


7.Which of the places you’ve traveled to inspired you the most, and why?

Jamaica. Why? Because I saw how they lived, so rugged and dirty. Yet they are hard workers and just down the street is their paradise. Literally


8.Do you prefer group dinners or one-on-ones with friends?

Preferably, one-on-ones. Why? Because SOCIAL ANXIETY… I’m not much of a talker, if too many people are around, most likely they’ll over talk me and I’ll just sit there like a bump on a log. Lol AWKWARD..


9.Is there a talent or skill you’ve always secretly wanted?

Talent: Secretly, I’ve always wanted to be a ballet dancer. I love their grace, their pose, and mostly how they can take any genre and make it {BEAUTIFUL}.


10.If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?

One thing about my past… I’d pay more attention my freshman year of college! Also, gain all the education I could about the life of a business professional.


11.What decade do you feel you most belong in?

I’ve always said I belonged in the 90’s baby.. my whole vibe is 90’s. I’m a little bit of Blossom mixed with Brandy lol.


12.If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

This question used to be so easy…but I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I love who I’m becoming! It’s a beautiful journey in itself.


13.Who is the one person in this world that knows you best?

My mama, she knows EVERYTHING about me. I have always valued our relationship.


14.What is your favorite quality about your best friend?

She’s a go-getter, she pushes me to be the same. Thank you, Le <3


15.What is your biggest fear?

My biggest fear used to be failure.. but I’ve faced it, and I know it’s inevitable. NOW my biggest fear is not going after something I want so bad, then regretting it later. Worst feeling ever..


16.How do you think your parents would describe you as a child?

Curiosity killed the cat lol. I was the most curious and sneakiest child… nothing has changed


17.What is one thing you feel your life is missing?

A sense of urgency… lol. Sometimes I like to do things on my time, I’m learning that it’s not always the right way to be.


18.If you had a super-power, what would it be?

I’d want the ability to read minds, and also the ability to turn it off when I want


19.If you had to pick a way to die, how would you?

Definitely something I’ve thought about.. who hasn’t!? … I’d die from Red dye #5 poisoning .. also found in red gummy candies. Lol


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