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How To Survive Being Young..and a Professional

Hey Guys, I hope you're having a great day!!

As stated in my bio, I'm a young professional, which could sometimes put a wrench in some things because I'm constantly learning what and what not to do in the "corporate world". You're gonna mess up, you're gonna wish you chose a different route, and you're gonna want to just stay home in bed and never come back out. Trust me, I'VE BEEN THERE. Honestly, I'm still there. Day after day I look at myself and wish I had chosen another profession (I didn't actually choose this one, but hey I'm working it lol). This upcoming June I will have been in the corporate world for 3 whole years! Wow.. looking at 18 year old Anstacia I would have NEVERRRR imagined myself doing this, being presentable, learning procedures, and being organized. Yes, I have a ways to go. I don't speak loudly, sometimes I'm not confident in some of my actions, and sometimes I cry(alot) of course not at work, but girl sometimes you gotta let that frustration out. Some days I just drive home in silence.

But guess what?!?! After all of that, you have a job to do. No matter what you think of yourself, how you feel you did, there are others depending on YOUR EFFORT. So put 110% into it! So, If you're reading this, young or old. I'm about to spit out some pointers, from the top of the dome. What I've learned about this here adult world I live in. [Disclaimer, your views may be totally different. But this works for me].

1. Everyone is NOT a morning/afternoon person: Girl... don't take it personal when you speak to someone in the office and they don't say hey cat, dog, or goose back! People have different personalities, just keep it moving with a smile. This used to bother me!

2. Sometimes, it's okay to isolate: Now this hasn't been a problem of mine,because I naturally like being alone, but I always see it. You don't have to be everyone's friend in the workplace. Eating alone at lunch does not ultimately make you a loner/antisocial/the meanest person in the world. Sometimes you need your "me" time. 8 hours around the same people is sometimes overwhelming. It's OK!

3. Ask Questions: If you don't understand something, ASK. People learn at a different pace. I'm more hands on (kin-esthetic

learner). I like to be shown what to do and mimic what I've been shown. However, some days, I can't actually sit down and physically learn things so I must listen and learn. That's a struggle, so I ask questions! I was so hesitant at one time because I thought they'd get tired of me. THAT'S OK! You'd rather know, than to struggle in silence.

4. Leave Your Work AT WORK: When I first started, I transferred all of my emails to my phone, so at 2am I woke up to emails. Girl NO. At 5pm, wait no, at 4:50pm, my mind has already clocked out lol. I understand, your work is valuable to your company. But when you're frustrated and need to get away, those 2am emails will definitely get old.

5. Dress The Part: I work in an office. At the front desk where EVERYONE who comes in sees me. Think of it like this, your appearance acts as the liaison of your company. It will bridge what others think about you and what your company is about before you even say anything! Unfair right? lol na fam. Dress the part. I know sometimes you want to wear your uggs, your stretchy pants, and jeans (there will definitely be times for that) but at the office, DRESS THE PART.

6. Don't Keep Quiet: Stand your ground. If you know something is wrong, say it. Be as professional as possible, but don't keep quiet. It may mean life or death for your or someone else's job. Also, your voice may be what someone else wants to say, but can't. Speak up.

7. Build Rapport: I know, sometimes you don't even want to look at your co workers. However, you spend the majority of your week with them. You don't have to learn their every move or capture their souls lol. But learn their work styles, talk to them, find out what they are weaker or stronger at in their work styles. Rapport builds trust, everyone needs to know that someone has their back in the work place. Even if it's not work related, just a simple "hey, how's your work out class going" will brighten someone's day! *Communication, builds relation* :-)

8. You Are Appreciated: Just because your boss doesn't verbally tell you "Anstacia, you're doing a great job!" Doesn't mean they don't think so. Sometimes their actions are muffled with their everyday struggles. Yes, they have struggles, they're human. Even if you think they're robots. That's where self motivation and self assurance comes in. Know you're the best to ever do it! buuuuut, if your boss is always a douche to you..ehh.. (refer to #6)

9. Let Your Pretty Light Shine: When I started my job, I was the bright-eyed bushy tailed girl that was eager to learn! Just as everyone, that light dimmed because ... LIFE. But as hard as it is, don't let it go out, you will notice, and everyone around you will too. Try your best to shine. You might be the only light someone else sees.

10. Remember, You're Still Young: Just because you're surrounded by older, more experienced professionals.You don't HAVE to be "old acting". You're still young, continue to do your hobbies. Whether it be painting, watching those filthy reality shows, going to basketball games, or even bar hopping and concerts! You're young, don't let your job overtake you. Live! You can totally continue to be LIT and be a young professional lol.. Sometimes before work, I bump a lil drake... i need the extra oomph honey.

So there you have it! Just a little advice, this is what [I've] learned. So it may be totally different than what you've experienced. There's gonna be horrible days, but there will also be AMAZING days. Those amazing days will help you appreciate the bad ones as cliche as it may sound.

Stick it out...we all have similar struggles, you're not alone. :-)



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